Sunday, February 10, 2008

Eduacational Blogs

The first Web 2.0 tool that I learned how to use was a “blog” using Blogger, which I’ve incorporated throughout the Web 2.0 Tools for Teaching and Learning course. Students post their reflections extensively on their personal blog, which is created during the course. Of all the uses of blogs, I think that perhaps the most relevant use in education is the reflective thinking you can do, which is very important for all students in schools and higher education to develop. Blogging gives “voice” to a person’s thoughts and ideas. It’s also a great way to learn how to write opinion/argumentative pieces.

With the Read/Write Web and tools like blogs, every day people can “publish” on the Web for the world to read, if desired. This is an exciting prospect but also a privilege that one should not take lightly. What I realize is that care should be taken in formulating one’s writing because anyone might read your blog (especially if it’s public) including students, parents, grandparents, and former teachers! As educators, we are called to “model” to our students how to communicate effectively and responsibly (e.g., using appropriate language and style; no defamation of someone’s character). Blogs are an open-diary of sorts, not hidden under the mattress from a younger sibling like years ago.

(image source:

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